How to becoe a Tour Guide!

To become a Tour Guide you must be 45 Days old or older!  Once you are 45 days old you can waddle up to the ski village and go up to the Tour Booth looking like this:

It will ask you, “Are You ready To Take The Test?” Click Yes. You will now be taking the test, It’ll ask you some Questions about Club Penguin. After all because you need to know you way around Cp (Club Penguin) to be a Tour Guide.  Here are the Answers for the Questions it’ll ask you:

1. How does the pink puffle play?
Skips with skipping rope

2. What is the name of the big fish in ice fishing?

3.  What day does the newspaper come out?

4. Which of these games has a shark in it?
Jet pack adventure

5. What color of puffle can catch on fire?

6.  How many coins does it cost to buy a player card background?

7. What is thrown out of the truck in level 4 of bean counters?

8. In what room can you find old copies of the Penguin Times?
Boiler Room

9. What is the name of Captain Rockhopper’s ship?
The Migrator

10. Which of these rooms does not have a game in it?

11. Which room has a cuckoo clock?
Ski Lodge

12. How do you get a pin?
Click on it

13. Which of these places doesn’t have music playing in the background?
Pet Shop

After you finish the quiz you will be asked to Recieve the Tour Guide Hat! Once you get the hat you will recieve the manual! Now you can give tours on Club Penguin! ( )

But there is one last thing. You will notice some penguin Tour guides speaking fast and using periods and Question marks and grammar, I bet that you wonder how they type so fast and use grammar its because they are not actually typing. Its from Ultimate safe chat 🙂


Hope this helped penguins!

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